Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Unemployment Goals

I had my official meeting today to discuss my leaving. Tomorrow is officially my last day at work. I'm moving further out of anger and towards some form of acceptance. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I'm ready to put all of this emotional turmoil and stress behind me to begin moving forward. In addition to finding a new job, I've been thinking a lot about what else I might do with all of my free time.

1. Watch a lot of Netflix. I've already started doing this as a pleasant distraction from thinking too much about my future and lack of plans. So many shows to watch.

2. Go to the gym. I hate going to the gym in the early morning or after work. The best time to go to the gym is late morning or middle of the afternoon. I know this from my grad school days when I had random slots of time open. Old people, unemployed people, and weirdos go to the gym in the middle of the day. I am excited to join their ranks.

3. Eat and drink a lot. Fun fact. When you're unemployed, people want to take you out to cheer you up. I love it. As if I needed a reason to hang out.

4. Get rid of stuff. Before the new year, I took a ton of stuff to the Goodwill and also recycled a million magazines. I'm addicted to the feeling and ready to take it to the next level.

5. Go shopping in the middle of the day. The only catch is not spending money that I don't have. I will have to ration out the giftcards I got for Christmas for my shopping fixes.

6. Spend quality time with my kitty cat. Or at least try to get along. She already seems annoyed at my daily presence. I am cramping her style.

7. Watch the Today Show. This was my favorite part of being in grad school. Sleeping in and watching some KLG and Hoda.

8. Play lots of Words with Friends and other games on my phone. I might have 15 games of Hanging with Friends going at the moment...

9. Write a dissertation. For real. I could graduate in May if I hustle.

10. Write a blog about being unemployed.You're Welcome.

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