Saturday, January 19, 2013

How does unemployment affect your physical appearance?

So far unemployment has many of the same symptoms as taking comprehensive exams in graduate school. For those of you unfamiliar, comprehensive exams (for me, anyway) involved answering several essay questions over a span of about ten days. I don't remember much from that time, other than freaking out, being super stressed, crying a lot, not sleeping, and losing weight (see other unemployment posts).

Another unique link between the two, is that my unemployment status has brought on what I call "finals week face". Finals week face is when your skin breaks out like crazy in response to the insanity of finals week in your life. Previous research has shown mixed findings on the relationship between stress and acne, but more current research suggests a viable link. It's been a while since I have had to deal with finals, so I've been experiencing fewer skin issues. Unfortunately, finals week face is back with a vengeance.

In an attempt to not be overly negative, there are some positive effects unemployment has on your physical appearance. I've been having a string of good hair days. What's my secret? Not having any place to go. Letting my hair marinate in coconut oil for two hours while I watch the Today Show and update my resume. Taking extra long in the shower because I can shower at 1pm when no one else in my building is using hot water. So much freedom.

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