Monday, August 29, 2011

My Facebook friends are dropping like flies

I know I should care about more important things, but it has been bothering me lately that every time I log in to Facebook I notice my friend count has gone down. I'm not sure when I began noticing, but I believe at peak, I had about 335 friends. I am not one of those people who collects Facebook friends like serial killers collecting skin trophies, however, I am also not the kind of person to turn down a friend request unless I truly do not know the person, or have an extreme dislike for them. Also, I should point out that I very rarely send out requests. I just think it's weird, and I prefer that people flock to me desperately wanting to be my online friend and check out what kind of cool movies and music I am into.

At any rate, I can't help noticing the ever-changing number. Are people de-friending me? I suppose it is entirely possible. I have a few people on my friends list that I frequently thing about deleting. Some because of their posting (too much stuff about their kids, personal drama, uber conservative political views, crazy religious opinions, are Farmville obsessed, etc), and others because they are people I don't know very well and are frankly uninteresting (people I went to high school with but never talked to, old co-workers, etc). However, I am reluctant to actually delete this people. Why? Maybe I have some kind of desperate need to maintain my social status of having upwards of over 300 "friends" (with a standard deviation of +/- 15)? Maybe I do get some sick enjoyment out of reading people's crazy posts (even I need something to read at work to kill time)? Maybe I put way too much thought into these things?

The last thing about this that I find puzzling is that sometimes my friend number goes up, without me actually adding people as friends. This leads me to believe that some people are deleting their Facebook accounts and are then reactivating them within a brief time span. Come on people. Either cut the cord or don't, and stop toying with my emotions.

FYI. Today's number is 329. If you plan on de-friending me, please do it quickly and painlessly.

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