Monday, August 8, 2011

Blogs that are better than mine part deux

Here is another blog that I find inspirational. This girl's blog concept was to re-live her tween years by re-reading the entire Sweet Valley High series and write snarky reviews about them. This combines several of my favorite things. Namely snarky comments and nostalgia for things from my childhood. As someone who read tons of books growing up (the libary had to invent new prizes just for me during the summer reading club program, impressive, right?), I love the idea of going back to see how the books have aged. Also, it is fascinating that those of us who read these books managed to turn out to be halfway normal people despite the bizarre messages found in some of these books.
The Dairi Burger

Speaking of book and the changing times. Another favorite is a blog that analyzes fashion from the Babysitter's Club series. I love the illustrations and the commentary. I wish I would have thought of both of these ideas.
What Claudia Wore

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