Friday, March 22, 2013

The day my boss bought lunch

So this project that I'm working on is becoming more brutal by the day. The end of it is drawing closer, but it is sadly becoming more complex and my boss is becoming increasingly frustrated with things beyond our mortal control. As a result, I went in to work today, even though I have been taking Fridays off to work on prepping for teaching. My co-worker and I made a pact that we would leave no later than 2pm. Otherwise, we both knew we would be stuck there until midnight. Our pact worked surprisingly well, even though the boss threw a bit of a tantrum over us not being done yet.

The bright side of the day was that he offered to order Jimmy Johns. Not the most exciting lunch choice, but he paid, which is always a high point. The funny part was that my boss is a super Catholic and made a big deal about ordering the tuna sandwich. For whatever reason, I suddenly felt compelled/pressured to act like I was a devout Catholic. Maybe I was subconsciously trying to make him like me more? Maybe I'm finally becoming more proactive about potentially going to hell for eating meat on Fridays? Maybe tuna just sounded good? No, that can't be right. Every time I eat tuna salad, I'm consistently let down that it isn't chicken salad. I make some bomb chicken salad.

Speaking of bombs, I feel compelled to tell you all about a new TV show that I "discovered". (Fact- I discover great television shows). It's called Bomb Girls and airs on some channel in Canada, but you can watch the first season on Netflix. It is kind of like Downton Abbey in that it is a period drama that is centered around women working in a bomb factory in Canada during World War II. It is as compelling as Downton Abbey, but with even better with plot twists that involve lesbians, industrial accidents, abortions, Italian prison camps, and fireworks. Can you imagine?! Fireworks!

Anyways, feel free to check out the trailer and thank me later after you marathon the whole series with your cat.

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