Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day Three...Frustration and Triumph...

How long can I maintain blogging? I feel like numbering the days helps keep me accountable. Today was incredibly frustrating. First, the type of work I am doing is brand new. Second, my new boss is super socially awkward and has basically given me no instruction or training of any kind. Third, the project I am working on is way behind schedule, so tensions are a little high. I thought I might lose it and walk out today after trying to read this guy's mind, doing something, and then being told I did it wrong. Part of my task involves entering data into an incredibly complicated Excel spreadsheet, which I found several errors on. The final straw is that I was given a Dell laptop circa 1989 that is running what I can only assume is Windows 97. It's really slow and horribly inefficient.

Now for the good news. After almost freaking out, I did manage to figure out a lot of stuff today. I feel like I have some sense of what I am doing now, and will hopefully get a lot done tomorrow. My goal is to wow this guy, even though he seems to be hard to impress. Let's be honest, if there's one thing I can do, it is deal with difficult people and still rock the shit out of whatever I do.


(that was a truth bomb, in case you are unfamiliar)

PS. I left after 5 today and took the "long way' home. Meaning no interstate. Took the same damn amount of time. Ugh.

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