Not much to report, just wanted to make sure to post something to hold myself accountable. Good times were had all weekend, with just the right amount of socially awkward situations mixed in that help make life more interesting. I'm hoping to gain many more followers after the events of Friday (hint hint people).
Today I had a concert for wind symphony. I think sometimes I take it for granted, but I feel incredibly lucky to have music in my life. It is truly one of the few things I can always count on to cheer me up and boost my spirits. Besides making music, I've also been listening to music non-stop lately (it helps block out the sound of my brain talking). When you really stop to think about it, music is basically one of the most amazing and magical things that exists in our world.
One of the coolest things about live music, in particular, instrumental live music, is overtones. I wasn't a music major or engineer, so this is a pretty lame explanation of how overtones work. Brace yourself for some nerdiness.
When you build a chord, you have different pitches operating at different wavelengths. What makes a chord sound nice or unpleasant depends on how the different frequencies line up. Sometimes when everything lines up just right, you get this super cool effect of hearing other notes that aren't physically being played. So if you play a triad (three notes) that are perfectly in tune, you'll be able to hear the whole range of harmonics, and it sounds magical.
Anyways, that's enough nerdiness. If you want to more know, you can definitely google it to learn about the technical side. But you really have to experience it live. Trust me on this one.
Woooo another follower!