Monday, April 29, 2013

Keepin' on Keepin' on

Wanted to give an bit of an update to my four loyal readers (and whoever keeps searching for red Doc Martens on the internet and accidentally ends up here).

Our project is winding down and my boss asked if I wanted to continue working there.  I said "sure", which I think surprised both of us a little bit. It may not be the greatest situation, but at this point in my life, it is an okay match. I will hopefully be scaling back my hours a bit to work more on school stuff.

The boss is out of town again tomorrow, and we are already plotting thing. We will be making a special trip to get sandwiches from Worker's Takeout, the most amazing deli on the planet. I wrote a blog about it, and apparently forgot to post it. I'll have to do that tomorrow as well.

I also officially get my own office that overlooks the beautiful downtown Omaha skyline. Pics coming soon. The weather is warming up, and today when I walked to the garage, the skywalk felt like it was 120 degrees inside. It will be interesting to see what happens this summer.

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