Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rebirth of a Blog?

I went to create a blog and realized that I already had one that I created last year and promptly forgot about. How silly of me. I suppose this means that I will be trying to do a better job of blogging (I hate that word). I feel like I often have mini-blogs going on in my head throughout the day and feel the narcissistic need to tell everyone about them. You all care a great deal about what I am thinking at all times, right? This blog is in part inspired by my dear friend and avid blogger Taleen, who maintains a first-class blog that I will aspire to be like.

At any rate, here is what I will hopefully be blogging about:
1. As my first and only post indicated, I have now completed my last year of classes in graduate school. I have few reasons to go up to the UNO campus, will not be purchasing a parking permit ever again, and cleaned out 5 years worth of crap out of my cubicle. This blog will serve to document my withdrawal and to answer the great question, "Is there life after graduate school?"
2. Since leaving UNO, I have accepted a "real world" job. I am working on research for a local organization. I am learning a lot of new things, especially about working with people more than twice my age. This blog will serve as an outlet for humorous stories and pent up rage.
3. Weird random things that happen to me. Come on, that cicada story was gold. I re-read it and was instantly transported back to that fateful day.

I should point out that I am at work while I am writing this. Who says you can't get paid to blog?
Hold on to your hats kiddos.

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