Yes, I am blogging while currently at work. Normally I am much more respectful of my organization and their time. Not today. I smell a revolution coming.
My main purpose for this entry is that I am bored. Completely, utterly, fucking bored. I've spent a considerable amount of time jacking around on the internet, but even I have my limits on how much Buzzfeed I can read, or how many cat pictures I can look at. I'm also working on my dissertation, hence why I decided to take a break to blog instead. Did I mention it is only 1:30pm? Yikes.
Here is what is going on. I am supposed to be co-presenting a webinar with my wonderful boss. This means that I have been tasked with making powerpoint slides. I made some pretty beautiful slides, all with no direction or input from him. I e-mailed them to him on Monday and he has since spent his time un-doing all of my good work by inserting his own slides with weird grammar, randomly capitalized words, terrible headings, and made up research. Yes, completely made up. Actually, he said he thought he remembered one of the stats as being something he read in grad school and wanted me to find a source for it. Side note: he went to grad school in the fucking 90s. That source either does not exist, or has long been discredited in the past twenty or so years.
I'm also reasonably sure he doesn't really know how to use powerpoint, because he keeps coming into my office and telling me things to change, rather than changing them himself and saving the file. I just don't understand it. The slides are supposed to be due today and I sent him my "final" version first thing this morning. He and another co-worker have spent all day frantically prepping for some big presentation that he is doing out of town tomorrow. My prediction of how this is going to go down is that he will either ignore my e-mail, or respond at 4:00 after I have left for the day. Meanwhile, he will be out of the office tomorrow and Friday, leaving my co-worker and I with literally nothing to do to occupy our time because he has been so fixated on this other project. We plan on having a part of some sort. It may or may not involve sandwiches.
I'm torn because I want to leave early today since I am so bored. On the other hand, I get paid by the hour, so part of me feels like I need to stick it out. I'm currently accepting any forms of internet distraction that my loyal readers may be able to provide...
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